Wednesday, January 30, 2013

How's It Going?

hey there! how's your drawings? doing well? I hope so! Im looking forward to see your result on 4th of February!

hey I wanna post ya guys a sneak peak of the first winner's painting will look like :)

see the right one? yep just the planning, oh the left ones? just a random sketch .-. the middle one is the poster (kind of) of the competition! ehe ehe i call it "Faces Of Indonesians Art Creature" so make sure you do the best! :D

see ya later! have an owlsome week, GBU :D

cheers, dosky


  1. Wah penasaran sama sneak peak nya kalo udh jadi! Yg middle itu semacem card? Semua peserta nanti dapet gitu?

    1. hohoho gatau deh :3
      hehe gimana gambarnya udah siap bang?

    2. Tinggal colouring, masih menanti cat putih,, soalnya warna primer di cat air gue gelap semua haha! Gak suka ah yg gelap2 kecuali Brown :D

    3. untuk yang menang lomba ituu
