Sunday, March 31, 2013

Songs Of the Month

10 top songs this March

Candles - Daughters
Youth - Daughters
She Wolf - David Guetta
Dancing To the Beat - Daft Punk
Sweet Nothing - Calvin Harris
We'll Be Coming Back - Calvin Harris
Baby Blue - We Were Evergreen
Morning Glory - Oasis
White Sky - Vampire Weekend
22 - Taylor Swift

*click the songs if you want to hear them :3

cheers, dosky

Drawing Book Tour

hai there! how's it going? great ey? no? okay :D

well it's been awhile since i posted an artwork of mine, so to make it up to you i'm going to post a little tour to my lovely sketchbook, i bring it everywhere i go incase of boredom or so urgent inspiration thing or whatsoever.

so, my sketchbook is basically a Moleskine book and i have 4 of them now HIHI, well if you want one if you live in Jakarta you can search for it in Aksara or Kinokuniya orrrr in Gramedia Pondok Indah Mall. they provide tons of it :P

luckily yesterday my lovely boyfriend gave me the A4 ones for our 1 year anniversary present :D
actually it suppose to be at the 14th February but that's okay XD im glad he bought me that! Im so happy and he also gave me this cute letter inside haha >////<

well moving on! so yeah here's my sketchbooks

and this is the dirty red one inside, the black tiny one is used for writing some inspirations. and the those clean ones were actually new and yeah still got nothing inside :D well the big one filled with my boyfriend's cute writing and such :P

as you can seeeeee my drawing changed during the years, well i do try to approve my drawings everyday :D

well what do you guys think? :D

that's all for today, have a blessed and owlsome Sunday everyone, GBU :D
ohyeah and Happy Easter ;)

cheers, Dosky

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

World Water Day

hey there!
i dont know why but I'm in love with making videos :D yes, videos!
last monday, my school held a event called World Water Day. During that time we, as a participant will learn how to save water. This activity also effected our PLH (Pendidika Lingkungan Hidup) or Environment Education score. It means that if we skip this event it will effects out report score. so yeah we were 'forced' to do so :P yet it was fun! cause we have to work as a team that represent our class :D

and on our first day, we did this game called "Walking For Water" where we have to walk for miles to go to 3 posts. each post will give you a different task. cause each person MUST bring 3 Liters of water during the walk, the task will also effected the water meter. if you got the task right, then you'll be given 500 ml water as a reward, yet if you got the task wrong then your water must be reduced till 500 ml. and how to win this game? to get the most water for each class :)

and did my class won? IDEK haha :P

well, at least we all have fun.
then on the second day, we all do the writing test that relates to water thingy. Then we all do individually task. we must join at least one competition. Either; Photography, Slogan, Poster, or Jingle. each competition have a different task. i was participate in photography competition. but i didnt won, my friend Maisha did :D

so how's the walking for water thing? I got everything on tape (not really)

and these are some of the photos that i've taken

that's all i want to share with you guys :D
have a lovely weekend everyone, GBU :D

cheers, dosky

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bahasa Indonesia Project

hai everyone! as you can see I havent post any artworks lately right? that's because i'm busy with my school projects and this is one of them!
so the movie have to contain something that describe Indonesia cause it's about
"mencari Indonesia" so what is Indonesia, and what things that describe Indonesia. what makes it so unique.

and yes im one of the student who got the job of doing the editing :)
but hey it was a cool thing to do! i've been working with iMovie and garageband aaand also iTunes :P

and this is the credit thing, the whole movie is still on process and also monday is our deadline!! so wish us luck and I'll post the full movie later on!

haha yeah im still learning tho :3 hope you like it!
comments below and tell me what you think ;)
have an owlsome weekend everyone! GBU :D
cheers, dosky

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dream Catcher

hey all! how's it going? hehe
I wanna share you my beloved dream catcher that i bought last year in Bali, it was big and i love it so much. they said a dream catcher could catch bad dreams, well all i could imagine is that thing catches nightmares like catching a pokemon or something haha idk :D

but yeah it is a beautiful room decoration, and i hung it on my windows so it would catches those bad lucks that might enter my room and yes i do love it so much since i dont decorate my new room since it's not my permanent house. maybe after my permanent house is finally finished i'll post it in my blog and my room's decorations :D

hihi what do you think? dont you love it? :P
that's all i wanna share to you guys :3 have an owlsome day everyone, GBU :D
cheers, dosky

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


i just wanna share this old social media that's been forgotten by many of you. yes as you can see they're a lot simillar then twitter right? well  i do find they look more appealing than twitter somehow, and i really like the fonts and stuff XD

but really now days we should start to use a new social media such as this one.

well duuuuh be anti-mainstream haha yes imma hipster. but not those hipsters wanna bes. cause i love things that are different than others i mean it made me a bit unique i guess, i dont know yet i really like it! like for my blogging and stuff. people choose to be funny wanna be, or sometimes the choose themselves to do drawings yet somehow they dont look interested in it. or sometimes they choose blogging to be part of the trend (just saying)

cause you know some point in life we need to be different no matter how cool the trends are. even thought the trends were amazing and such (well sometimes im a trend follower) yet we need to act different. like most of indonesians prefer their blogs in indonesia some most of it in english.

well this is a bit of topic ey? well I wanna say, I'm playing this old social media and i wanna show you that the appearance is well organised and such :P

the background and cover were Diela Maharanie's amazing work :)
as you can see it looks similar as twitter with the covers and such but it's just new and refreshing to have a new social media. haha arent you bored with twitter?
cute ey? yess it is try to use it again and you may listen to mine's :D

that's all i wanna share to you guys, i hope you all have an owlsome week! GBU :D
cheers, dosky

Monday, March 4, 2013

Excursion Tees Design

well im not THAT good in photoshop yeah, but this is a design i made for my school excursion t-shirt. yes im a noob im still learning yet this is all i can do. please do comment below :) thank you

haha i know it's not that good but yeah i've tried ey? better than nothing haha

have an owlsome week everyone!
cheers, dosky

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Faces Of Indonesians Art Creature

soo heres the participant amazing drawings

The Trees And The Wild

first of all, i wanna thank Sky Battle 2013 (@SkyBattle2013) for their hard work and yes for bringing Soulvibe and The Trees And The Wild to their school event. Oh for your information, Sky Battle is a school event held by Labschool Kebayoran or people called it Labsky. And last night me my beloved boyfriend and also my amazing friends Maisha and Nia (thank you for inviting me) we all went and watched the show.

LUCKLY my friend Nia won a meet and greet and we got the chance to meet TTATW (The Trees And The Wild) IN PERSON! yesh IN PERSON. Actually the one who've won the quiz thingy was Nia. But their event crew were nice enough to let all of us joined her ;)

oh if you dont know them, please do check their music on youtube or google. their are an indie band so maybe most of you dont really like their music, but their lyrics were amazing. Yes some of it is in Indonesian some in English. And filled with meanings not only about love and some mainstream shit that some Indonesians now days songs. And my favorite songs are Berlin, Irish Girl, Our Roots and Fight The Future. Check their live performance videos by their amazing videographer Dimas Wisnu

Last night was like another life goal unlocked. Watched their live performance and YESH had a conversation with them. I was super excited cause first of all they know my name, i got their autographs and we talked a lot and they were being super nice, like we're just their friends. Can you imagine talking to someone you want to meet for so long? and they stood next to you and smiled at you the best part was talking to them! (ha ha omg i mentioned that a lot didnt i)

We did asked a lot about their new album and their new concept. And yes they still waited for the right time to finally publish their new album, which maybe around September. But they dont know yet so for some fans out there, please do show some patience haha :P

and here their live performance photos, taken by my dear friend Nia. And yes everything was taken by my iPhone camera so the result wasnt that good. And i edited with vsco cam application.

And everything went just what i wanted to be :)
Thank you so much @TTATW for their time, @rmaisha @nsrt_ for inviting me and my beloved boyfriend for driving us home @_KuroKai :D
that's all i wanna share to you guys ;) hope you liked it! have a nice day all, GBU :D

cheers, dosky.