Friday, December 21, 2012

When 2 Artist Collabs

so I did a collaboration drawing with Heru (psstt dont check his owlsome artworks on his blog)

so yeah I wanna thank him for being really nice and accepting my collaboration idea :D (thank youu so much heru)

everyone go check his blog! :D

so we had this idea of drawing someone by half, and we agreed that we'll use Bruno Mars as our object  of drawing. Cause I'm not an expert of drawing him and Heru is, so I asked him to send me his Bruno artwork first. After sawing his work I got this Idea of drawing the inside of Mr.Mars.

this is Heru's Original work (colored)

well this is the basic part of the drawing

Heru used paintool SAI
I use a normal 2B pencil
then this is the scanned result

due to the lack of color so I edit it a bit and this is the final result

so that's pretty much our Artwork. and this is the original photo that we used as the object

well that's all :D dont forget to visit his blog kay! 

have an owlsome day everyone! GBU

cheers, Dosky


  1. Replies
    1. haha makasii :3 punya kamu juga keren >.< aku suka bgt sama warna2nyaa :D

  2. kayaknya pernah liat gambar ini sebelumnya di anggota KK juga lah, punya herusaurus ato blognya danang ya?? lupa...

    salam kenal yak, salam kawancut, ane jadi member PERTAMA nih, hahaha *pamer, kalo berkenan folbek yak

    1. ada di blognya heru hehe :D
      iya aku member baru :) hehe selamat yaaww >.<
