Saturday, March 9, 2013

Bahasa Indonesia Project

hai everyone! as you can see I havent post any artworks lately right? that's because i'm busy with my school projects and this is one of them!
so the movie have to contain something that describe Indonesia cause it's about
"mencari Indonesia" so what is Indonesia, and what things that describe Indonesia. what makes it so unique.

and yes im one of the student who got the job of doing the editing :)
but hey it was a cool thing to do! i've been working with iMovie and garageband aaand also iTunes :P

and this is the credit thing, the whole movie is still on process and also monday is our deadline!! so wish us luck and I'll post the full movie later on!

haha yeah im still learning tho :3 hope you like it!
comments below and tell me what you think ;)
have an owlsome weekend everyone! GBU :D
cheers, dosky


  1. I am waiting the "full movie" of yours project :D

    bdw, i think your credits it's too fast, i cant read it clearly -,-

    1. thank you, i'll post it right away after everything is finish

  2. terlalu cepet dis :D keren kok musiknya juga :2thumbup

    1. iyaya >.< okeoke aku beneriin! :D thank yoouu ;D

  3. cool. can't wait for full movie.
    fighting! :D

    1. hehe thank yoouu :D
      I'll posted later on! :3
