Wednesday, March 6, 2013


i just wanna share this old social media that's been forgotten by many of you. yes as you can see they're a lot simillar then twitter right? well  i do find they look more appealing than twitter somehow, and i really like the fonts and stuff XD

but really now days we should start to use a new social media such as this one.

well duuuuh be anti-mainstream haha yes imma hipster. but not those hipsters wanna bes. cause i love things that are different than others i mean it made me a bit unique i guess, i dont know yet i really like it! like for my blogging and stuff. people choose to be funny wanna be, or sometimes the choose themselves to do drawings yet somehow they dont look interested in it. or sometimes they choose blogging to be part of the trend (just saying)

cause you know some point in life we need to be different no matter how cool the trends are. even thought the trends were amazing and such (well sometimes im a trend follower) yet we need to act different. like most of indonesians prefer their blogs in indonesia some most of it in english.

well this is a bit of topic ey? well I wanna say, I'm playing this old social media and i wanna show you that the appearance is well organised and such :P

the background and cover were Diela Maharanie's amazing work :)
as you can see it looks similar as twitter with the covers and such but it's just new and refreshing to have a new social media. haha arent you bored with twitter?
cute ey? yess it is try to use it again and you may listen to mine's :D

that's all i wanna share to you guys, i hope you all have an owlsome week! GBU :D
cheers, dosky


  1. nanti kali ini dengar orang ngaku benr hipsters hihihihihi ..:D :D

    walupun gak harus gitu,orang liat karya karyanya gadis,,orang bakalan nganggap "KAMU BEDA KOK" :D :D

  2. tau ah belom tidur dari tadi malem bosen nyeh
