Sunday, March 31, 2013

Drawing Book Tour

hai there! how's it going? great ey? no? okay :D

well it's been awhile since i posted an artwork of mine, so to make it up to you i'm going to post a little tour to my lovely sketchbook, i bring it everywhere i go incase of boredom or so urgent inspiration thing or whatsoever.

so, my sketchbook is basically a Moleskine book and i have 4 of them now HIHI, well if you want one if you live in Jakarta you can search for it in Aksara or Kinokuniya orrrr in Gramedia Pondok Indah Mall. they provide tons of it :P

luckily yesterday my lovely boyfriend gave me the A4 ones for our 1 year anniversary present :D
actually it suppose to be at the 14th February but that's okay XD im glad he bought me that! Im so happy and he also gave me this cute letter inside haha >////<

well moving on! so yeah here's my sketchbooks

and this is the dirty red one inside, the black tiny one is used for writing some inspirations. and the those clean ones were actually new and yeah still got nothing inside :D well the big one filled with my boyfriend's cute writing and such :P

as you can seeeeee my drawing changed during the years, well i do try to approve my drawings everyday :D

well what do you guys think? :D

that's all for today, have a blessed and owlsome Sunday everyone, GBU :D
ohyeah and Happy Easter ;)

cheers, Dosky