Wednesday, January 23, 2013

To Dear "Artist" or "Artworkers" out there

well in this post I wanna discuss about, 
the artist or they called themselves artworkers these days
i dont know why somehow I got annoyed by something
im sorry but im gonna be a bit sarcastic in this post 
cause somehow it really annoys me

so, what is illustration, artist, or even artworker
well actually, they all the same the create an art which in my mind
a work of art with their own drawing style, and trademarks.
yet, i dont even find it in some post (im not being a pro or something)
but really, if you want to be a real "artistic" you should create your own style of drawing
well i know we're somehow searching for that.
but i got some similar style of drawing in like 5 blogs,
I mean, why would you create a similar thing as others when you can create your own style of drawing and let other people to adore that. i know im not that good either
but i saw some of the posts out there just trying too hard to do art thing
just dont force yourself to do so.
why would you do something if you dont even have a clue of doing it?
doesnt mean that you dont have a talent or something
but, just do something that you're really into. dont copy others just because
they have cooler drawing or more followers.

there is something that sticks into my mind:
im not an artworker, cause i dont work with art but i live with it. and
im not a illustration cause art is not an illusion.
im not an artist cause i dont create my artwork to entertain others.
therefore im an art creature. cause everything i do, think or drew 
is based on what's on my mind. im being true to myself to everyone. and that's a true art.

well if you disagree with my opinion just leave a comment below :D
feel free to say what you wanna say kay :D


  1. ya Allah ada yang copycat kamu nih? :O

  2. Selalu sabar aja ya kalo ada copycat karya kita :)) aku juga pernah ngalamin hal yang sama dan malah sempet marah banget. Tapi pas dipikir kalo karyanya kamu di"copycat" oleh orang lain berarti karyamu Bagus bahkan terkenal sampe dijadiin inspirasi orang lain yah walaupun cara mereka salah :)) tetep semangat ya :3

    1. haha aku sih gpp diikutin asal yaaa gimanaa gitu ya >.< tapi tak apalah kalo dia diikutin pasti dia nanti tau rasanya :)

  3. Ha serius, siapa siapa orangnya?? Langsung aja tuh tegor!! Tanya alesannya, tp kalo dia terinspirasi dengan lo gpp lah hehe, berarti karya lo bagus :D

    I'm so like with your real statement, say like this "I'm not an artworker
    , couse I don't work with art but I live with it".. It make me be stupid people, udah ngaku2 jadi artworker padahal drawing udh bagian dari jiwa gue tsaahhh mantapp (btw, bhs inggris gue bener gak? Koreksi ye sekalian gue belajar haha)

    1. haha gpp, aku sih biarin aja nanti kalau dia udah nemu style gambar sendiri ada yg ngikutin juga dia sakit ati :P tapi tak apalah dianya pasti nyadar sendiri kalo copying itu salah.

      haha nih koreksinya:
      i really like your statement, it was like this ".." it made me look like a stupid person.
      haha XD

    2. kayaknya gue harus sering2 main ke sini belajar bhs inggris :( haha

    3. haha boleh2 :P les bahasa inggris yaw

  4. wah selamat, karyanya dicopycat, berarti karyanya kereen :p
    tapi setuju juga, artwork apapunlah bisa dibedain yang punya style sendiri dan yang ikut-ikutan, karena kreativitas juga ga mudah ditemui

    1. hehe iyanih rada sebal sih tapi tak apa :D aku yakin kok dia sendiri pasti nyadar itu salah :3
