Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A Little Tour to My Work Place

hey there! wanna know my secret? here ya go my super secret lab! (haha not really)

my beloved desk!

soo that's my dearest desk, yes it's a mess! well you know i got lot's of things in my room so.. :P

first of all i wanna tell you about my desk!

from the left side of the desk
as you can see there are my tools :D

the right side of the desk; yeeppp printer+scanner, foods and some of my work
my board (so sepi ya :P) 

lemme introduce you to my beloved tools (psstt it's my coloring secret)

for coloring stuff
watercolor (i use it A LOT) and a china ink, and white paint for hair details :D

MY ALL TIME ULTIMATE WEAPON! acrylic paint! i've been using this for years AND I LOVE THEM :D

pencil color for the small details 

 NOW moving on to my tools :3
brushes! for canvas paintings :3

small brushes for my some doodles or just small drawings :)

extra tools for coloring effects! 

paper that i use for drawings: 
well usual papers of all artist out there :)

now my everyday tools (that i bring to school everyday)
drawing pens, moleskin sketchbook and some stuff :D
that's all i wanna share to you guys! have an owlsome week eveyone, GBU :D

and yess keep on waiting for the request and i've closed the requests cause. it's been too much and i cant keep it up :( im sorry.

cheers, dosky


  1. wahaha lengkap bener salut dah, kalau gue sih cuman acrylic, pensil, penghapus, kanvas roll dan beberapa kuas aja buat bikin doodle atau gambar apa aja, maklum anak teknik hehehe..

    1. Haha iyaa itu juga lengkap karna mama aku emg demen beliin haha

  2. COOOL!! kamu punya tempat khusus buat ngeluarin semua ide kamu melalui Artwork :D :D :D
    AAAA pengen :3

    1. Hihi thank yoouuu :3
      Sebetulnyasih itu meja belajar tapi ya gitu haha

  3. KEREEEEEEEEEEEN, pengen punya tempat kek gitu :3

    1. Hehe thank youuu, haha bikin dong tempat khusus utk berkarya :3

  4. wah asiik dong, udah berbakat, ditambah pralatan yang super komplit, ane mau dong di beliin sama mama

  5. wuuuusssss :O asik itu tempatnya :D
    pasti betah ya kak kalo udah disitu, nempel pasti, males kemana-mana :D
    peralatannya juga lengkap._.
    duh, mau :3

    1. haha banget kadang kalo gak disuruh makan gak akan makan >.<
      haha >.<

  6. wah pasti kalo seharian di kamar udah lupa segalanya tuh, pasti bukan anak yang gemar maen *just opinion* CMIIW

    1. haha iya dikamar udah sambil gambar sambil main game :P
      tapi sabtunya juga ke mall utk ngumpul sama temen2 jadi seimbang haha

  7. Desk nya bikin ngiriiiiiiii,,, terus ada acrylic aaahh gila gue udh lama banget pengen beranikan diri ngelukis di kanvas gede make acrylic tp masih takut hehe :D...
    1 lagi itu gambar yg buat gue dipasang di board haha berasa spesial

    1. haha jangan ngiri dong :P itu kan juga sebetulnya meja biasa gada apa2nya kalo gak aku hiasin haha

      beraniin dong, malah enak bisa belajar improvisasi. aku diajarin sama guru lukis aku kalo lgsg kanvas gede ada salah jangan pernah ngapus tapi dibeneri :3 nanti kalo sering2 gambarnya malah enak kedepannya udah gak takut2an lagi :3

      haha iyaaa (jujur aja itu gambar diwarnain terniat) sisanya sih berwarna tapi rata2 bw .-. daaan udah ditempel di buku soo gak dipajang :3

    2. ntar dicoba beli kanvas gede deh diatas 60cm, soalnya biasanya make yang 30-50cm... Learn learn and learn jiaahh :P

    3. wkwk aku ada lho hasil2 lukisan yg gede2 .--. tapi itu masih lukisan smp gitu belum keliatan style aku soalnya masih ngikutin gitu dan dibantuin guru les haha
