heyyo humans! how's it going?
well we all know that UN has finally over, although we all know those international standard exams was pretty stupid. cause if i recall the government told us to study from the SKL or some list of the things that will be tested during the exam, but hey they changed the game and told us during THE FINAL DAY like WHAT?! //raged
although i didnt find that much complication thingy only the MATH EXAM i wanna cry so bad. cause all i did was like 26 numbers out of 40 and the rest of it i used eenie meenie meine moo thingy idek. but it was great! WE DONT NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL LIKE HELLYEAH!! //joydance
but i do still need to do my finally paper //sobs and studying for SBMPTN and SNMPTN HA HAHAHA HA HAHA //plank but hey lemme post a very old drawing but i havent post it yet cause im too lazy to type and to post and to write shit. welp here ya go.
all the drawings were made with watercolors on canson paper 220 gr so yeah
that's all for this post see ya again soon!
have an owlsome day humans, GBU :3
Hei, ini entah efek kesedihan setelah UN atau....memang gambarnya agak suram spooky-spooky gitu, ya, Dis? Hahaha as well as usual thought :))
ReplyDeletehaha mungkin bisa jadii, tapi emg aku gambarnya begitu huehehe mau gimana lagi..