one of my favorite artist from Japan named Hikari Shimoda, i knew her from a friend of mine. she shows me her works over deviant art, and at that moment. im in love with her. not so long afterwards i found her instagram and surprisingly she post her daily updates there, which made me love her even more.
her pastel color on a little child in a pink hair really got me. i dont know why but the softness of the artworks harmonize all in together into a perfect piece of work.

a little child with round eyes with stars in their eyes is her thing. although her artworks mostly looked the same cause the kid poses the same thing on her most works but they amazed me, every one of them.
the thing that i found unique is her paintings with a look a like stickers all over it. i dont know if it's a sticker or not but somehow they fit into the painting! most of people they "tried" to combine something yet they dont really look good but amazingly she does!!
aku bukan orang yang ahli masalah ginian sih, tapi aku suka aja kalo liat gambar bagus-bagus. terus dipandang lama-lama. kesannya ada perasaan lain gitu hehe
ReplyDeletehehe gak harus ahli kok utk ngeapresiasi sebuah karya, dengan kamu bisa berekspresi dan tertarik udah cukup lho :D
DeleteHikari shimoda punya karakter banget di artworknya :D so inspiring
ReplyDeleteyeesss :D walau mirip2 semua but we know it's her :)
Deleteaaaaaaaaaaaaa seperti biasanyaaa I loooooovvveeeeeeee your drawing so damn much, it's look more smooth day by day haha (sorry my miserable grammar)
ReplyDeletepokoknyaa sukaa deh sama artworknya kamu :))