okay so i got this award from Ulfa (go check her blog)
noooowwww i have to answer some question (im sorry for people who doesnt understand bahasa out there, i'll try to post it in english? well i'll post the answer in english)
Warna Favorite
well, i have tons of favorite colours. okay so my best favorite one is
RED i loved it since forever, when i was little i love poo (teletubies thing) cause she's red
Hewan Favorite
well i love bunnies, cats, horses, dogs, wait i love everything!
even snakes (yes really) but my most is bunnies :"3
Nomor Favorite
14! and 7 and 4 :D why? 14 is my birthday date, and 7 is G (stands for Gadis)
4 is like 14 yet without the 1 hehe :P
Minuman Favorite
water .___. it didnt change the after taster of a food
like when you ate a delightful steak and the water didnt change the after taste
and you can still taste that amazing medium well meat with mushroom
Facebook atau Twitter
twitter i guess, less drama and fake people who wants to show their photos
wait no less annoying chats, i use facebook only for games and uploading photos
to be honest i dont really like facebook :v
well i do love arts, like crafting, painting, or drawing since forever
i mean during my kindergarden year i've been crafting too much
and also photography and anything with making videos
Dikasih atau Ngasih
well i do prefer to give people rather than i got something from other, cause
somehow i feel a bit bad when people gave me something
too much. i mean when you can buy it why
asking people or wait for someone to give it to you? right?
Aktivitas Tubuh Favorite
what a weird question it is. well i do love sport a bit haha i dont know
walking with friends while laughing and talking about stuff
does it count?
Hari Favorite Dalam Seminggu
my favorite day in a week is saturday where i could go
play with my friends or do silly things with my boyfriend :D
Bunga Favorite
im not a big fan of flowers but i love the colors of lily
bbuuuutt i dont have my favorite flower :v
The Next Blogger
who'll receive this award is
(since I dont have much friends with blogging so i will tag 5)
asik udah dilanjutin tugasnya, makasih qaqa :3 dan maaf kalo kesibukannya terganggu ya ._.