Friday, May 31, 2013

Kodak Disposable Camera

so a friend of mine just got back from Japan and bought lots of kodak disposable cameras, well basically it's a camera where it's already provides a battery and film BUT you can only use it once.

and i bought it from her, cause i really wanna try and see how will it turns out like.
and yeah i havent took any photos with it yet i"ll post it later. But im dying to show you this camera

it's cute and it has this japanese writing all over (which made me excited even more)
i mean come on.. Japan? im dying to go there!
haha enough with the story and here ya go
start of with the packaging

from the front

some japanese writing on the side

the other side
it used the 35mm film and the ISO is 800
with only 27 Frames 

the back
now the camera

how the camera looks like

from the back 

and it show the exp date, and it's really a good number :P
How to use it?
press the flash button

take the photo! look at the length of the camera and the object

wait for the red light aaaand press the button dont forget to turn that wheel

there ya go! well im gonna post the result in another post ;)
have a great weekend everyone, GBU :D
stay owlsome


Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cameras Tour

hey there, as you can see i've been posting most of my post filled with photographs not because i just love photographing but it's because i dont draw much lately, and if i do it's just some random doodle

so i decided for a couple of months i'll post photos instead.
as you can see, i dont use digital SLR like every other people now days, well i do want to own one but yet i'm still trying to figure out when will i buy it. Cause i got bored easily and i dont think my photographic skill is good enough
so i still with analogue cameras, i do own a few. Well if you realize a 4 million Canon SLR worth a tons of film rolls and tons of analogue cameras.

analogue cameras worth 200k or more, some priced around 50 or even 25.
it dont cost much money, and it does makes your skill lot better cause you cant control much in lightning and such. it needs skill, for my opinion good photos taken by a digital cameras didnt amazed me that much yet analogues users amazed me somehow.

no, i'm not those "i just used analogues and im in love with it like crazy" no, i've used it for 2 years now. I'm a new comer to this analogue world yet it improves my shooting skills ever since.

well enough with the long talk!
here ya go I'll introduce you to all of my babies

yesh the 'everyone has it' my choco instaxmini

my precious pocket cams, the left ones is a fujifilm cost like 30k rupiah
and the right one is a toycam underwater yet i've broke the case :)

Diana F+ this is my friend's yet i havent dont all the 36 frames in it :v

La Sardina, a Lomo cam it got great features

yesh it's an SLR, the old ones still using film rolls :D

some of the films that i've been using for the past 2 years

so there you go! :D
well have an owlsome weekend everyone, GBU 0:3


Monday, May 20, 2013

Bapak S.Sujojono

Hey there, I'm going to use bahasa for this post.
there are some personal reasons why, but please do enjoy this post.

Bapak S.Sjojono, siapa kah beliau ini?

saya yakin hanya segelintir orang yang mengenal beliau, atau anda sedang membuka google sekarang bertanya-tanya siapakah sosok beliau ini. Saya tidak heran dengan itu, jangankan anda. Saya saja awalnya tidak tahu siapa beliau ini. Sudah tidak lazim lagi untuk bangsa ini melupakan sosok penting dalam sejarah Indonesia. Apalagi dengan remaja muda sekarang lebih fanatik akan negara besar dibanding mengagungkan negaranya sendiri. Iya bukan?

Sebelum kita bahas tentang personal beliau, saya ingin bertanya kepada kalian. Saya yakin ada beberapa dari kalian yang cinta akan seni, namun apakah cinta kalian itu hanya sekedar mencintai alat-alat yang digunakan untuk berkarya? Apakah anda peka akan hilangnya sosok-sosok yang menghidupkan kesenian Indonesia? Siapa peseni yang anda tahu? tahu Erica? Affendi? Jangan google dulu, tapi jawab pertanyaan tersebut tanpa si mbah google itu.

Bapak S.Sujojono

Kembali ke Bapak S.Sudjojono, apa maksud dari post saya ini? Ya, saya hanya ingin memperkenalkan beliau dengan kalian semua. Beliau ini penting dalam sejarah seni Indonesia. Seni Indonesia pernah mengalami yang namanya Mooi Indie, atau lukisan-lukisan yang mengambarkan suatu keindahan pemandangan. Seperti; pantai, sawah, dll. Namun pastinya pada masa itu pada realitanya kita sedang mengalami hal tidak seindah lukisan tersebut. Namun bapak S.Sudjojono ini tidak ingin mengikuti trend tersebut, beliau lebih memilih melukis realita. Kehidupan sehari-hari ataupun issue yang sedang dialami Indonesia.

Namun, sekarang ini karya-karya beliau sudah tidak begitu lagi dikenang oleh masyarakat Indonesia, bahkan lukisan agung beliau saja sudah tidak terawat dengan baik. Tau kan lukisan besar yang berada dekat pintu masuk Museum Fatalilah itu? iya itu karya beliau.

Pertempuran Sultan Agung
pada hari Selasa tanggal 6 April kemarin, sekolah saya mengundang kami pergi ke diskusi seni yang sedang berlangsung di Museum Fatahilah. Yang kebetulan sekali teman saya adalah cucu dari beliau, jadi kami diundang langsung dari S.Sudjojono Center. Acara tersebut dihadiri orang-orang penting, seperti media parner dari Jakarta Post, mahasiswa dari IKJ, bahkan ada yang dari Nanyang University Singapore. Saya pun sempat takut. Jelas takut, saya sendiri tidak tahu siapa beliau ini. Apakah akan ada pesan yang nyangkut, apakah saya akan membawa pulang sebuah informasi, apakah saya pantas disini, apakah saya akan mengikuti baik acara ini.

Begitu banyak pertanyaan di otak saya ini, namun saya mengikuti acara itu dengan baik. Sayapun sempat melontarkan pertanyaan yang sempat membawa feedback balik dari beberapa pihak.

Kami dijelaskan bagaimana karya agung beliau itu yang sudah sangat menyedihkan, dengan menunjukan beberapa sudut yang sudah keropos dimakan rayap. warna yang sudah pudar. Padahal benda tersebut sudah menjadi saksi sebuah sejarah. Namun di pajang seakan-akan setara dengan sebuah tembok. Yang tidak terurus, sehingga harus memanggil orang dari Singapore untuk membetulkannya kembali. Ya sangat memakan dana tidak sedikit untuk itu. Dan lagi, lukisan itu sudah dicemarin hasil tangan orang lagi, tidak seutuhnya hasil beliau.

Sangat disayangkan hal ini tidak hanya terjadi pada karya beliau namun benda-benda museum lainnya. Apakah kita akan terus-terusan seperti ini? Apakah kita akan terus membiarkan sebuah benda hancur lebur untuk menyadari bertapa pentingnya sebuah sejarah tersebut?

Disini saya sebagai Duta dari acara tersebut, ingin mengajak kalian dan menyadarkan akan pentingnya hal-hal kecil yang terkadang di sepelekan atau dilewatkan oleh segenap masyarakat karna menurut mereka hal ini membosankan atau hanya untuk materi pembelajaran saja. Sangat disayangkan remaja Indonesia yang begitu gencar akan hal-hal berbau Korea, Western atau gosip yang kadang tidak beredukasi namun tidak peduli akan negaranya sendiri :)

Sekarang tinggal anda ambil sikap, apakah anda akan lebih sayang dengan negara sendiri atau negara tetangga lain? Saya tahu, beberapa dari kalian sehabis membaca ini, hanya berkaya "oooh" lalu membuangnya saja dari otak kalian. Atau baru baca saja sudah bosan. Tak apa memang begitulah bangsa ini, membuang hal yang penting untuk bangsanya namun menyimpan yang membodohkan diri.

sekian dari saya, saya tutup post ini dengan beberapa karya beliau yang lainnya. kalau ingin bertanya silahkan :D


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Mash Ups

hey there, today i just wanna show you some of my friends' mash ups.
what is a mash up? well basically it's a few songs combined into a 1 new song.
so how's it sounds like? yep, these are some of my friends' and I mash ups

my friends are Indira Jauza (@JJauza) and Bella Hutabarat (@Bellaohyeah), they're both love to sing well me too yet my voice were a bit low compared to them. they could hit those high notes, check out their soundclouds to hear more of their voices.

*click on their names
they do lots of songs together, and they did great.
so please enjoy their amazing voices!
have a owlsome week ahead humans, GBU always :D


Rolls #1

images were taken for the past month I even forgot when it was taken but it was somewhere last year, and mostly were taken at my school during PE (physical education)

photos were taken with:
Nikon Analog Camera F2

and using:
Kodak ISO 200
Fujifilm ISO 200

I forgot which ones are the kodak and fujis well... it was like 6 rolls and yeah haha please do enjoy


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Charm Tutorial

well cause some of you want to how how to make a charm that i've made and showed it to you guys on my earlier post soo here ya go! (miss the post? click here to check them out)


*you may ask where did I bought the charm bottle
for those of you lived in Depok, you can find it in Toko Gunung Agung
located in MargoCity, and other than that try to buy it in
craft store, or order it in :D 

let me just explain a bit, 
colour clay, choose the regular clay or any clay or use play dough.
paper clips, you need it to put the clay into the right place
or use any sticks if you want.
sharp blade, for texture or to cut stuff or even make shapes
oh also you'll need super glue to keep the lid in place


First of all,
shape the brown clay into small balls
it will make you easily put the clay into the bottle and shape it up
little by little to make it neat and nice

Next up,
take your paper clip, and bend it like this

Then you'll,
shape the clay using the paper clip 

make a small mountain and give the texture of a soil dirt

let's make a small carrot shall we? well we need to plant something inside right?
teehee :P

use an orange and green clay to do so!

make sure it fit into the bottle and you have to check it whether 
the carrot fits or not
*check it regularly so you wont need to worry much :P

caaaarrrrooottt fooorr buunnniiieeeessss

be careful with this step, cause you may change the shape of the carrot 
and you dont want that to happen SOO YEAH 

well if you could see, i ruined the carrot. but yeah... mistakes happens
oh how did i control the carrot? (LOL that's sounds a bit harsh)
use the Paper Clip to do so :D

clue the lid use a super glue so it wont fall off
but you can use a transparent nail polish
but super glue is way much better :D just to make sure tho!

just do tons of new things inside, pretend it's a world you make
or just fill it in with beads and water it's fine!
i'll do a different tutorial how to make a different kind of charms


a small plant! do please make a different things and 
please do show me your creation! email me or just comment
and give me your link! i would love to see it >.<

have an owlsome week ahead humans!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

This Week Playlist

My 10 Top Songs of The week

Spectrum - Zedd
Lost at Sea - Zedd
Clarity - Zedd
Walcott - Vampire Weekend
Horchata -Vampire Weekend
Drinking from The Bottle - Calvin Harris
Dancing to the Beat - Daft Punk
Toy Story - David guetta
City of Dreams - Dirty Sound & Alesso

*click the songs to hear the real thing


Sunshine Award

so basically i got this award thing called Sunshine award, and i have to answer some questions. then continue to tag 10 bloggers and they will continue the award thing, it's my second award tho. haha once was i got this thing also but somehow i got too lazy to post it. I dont know why tho >.<

okay so i got this award from Ulfa (go check her blog)
noooowwww i have to answer some question (im sorry for people who doesnt understand bahasa out there, i'll try to post it in english? well i'll post the answer in english)

Warna Favorite
well, i have tons of favorite colours. okay so my best favorite one is
RED i loved it since forever, when i was little i love poo (teletubies thing) cause she's red

Hewan Favorite
well i love bunnies, cats, horses, dogs, wait i love everything!
even snakes (yes really) but my most is bunnies :"3

Nomor Favorite
14! and 7 and 4 :D why? 14 is my birthday date, and 7 is G (stands for Gadis)
4 is like 14 yet without the 1 hehe :P

Minuman Favorite
water .___. it didnt change the after taster of a food
like when you ate a delightful steak and the water didnt change the after taste
and you can still taste that amazing medium well meat with mushroom

Facebook atau Twitter
twitter i guess, less drama and fake people who wants to show their photos
wait no less annoying chats, i use facebook only for games and uploading photos
to be honest i dont really like facebook :v

well i do love arts, like crafting, painting, or drawing since forever
i mean during my kindergarden year i've been crafting too much
and also photography and anything with making videos 

Dikasih atau Ngasih
well i do prefer to give people rather than i got something from other, cause
somehow i feel a bit bad when people gave me something
too much. i mean when you can buy it why
asking people or wait for someone to give it to you? right?

Aktivitas Tubuh Favorite
what a weird question it is. well i do love sport a bit haha i dont know
walking with friends while laughing and talking about stuff
does it count?

Hari Favorite Dalam Seminggu
my favorite day in a week is saturday where i could go
play with my friends or do silly things with my boyfriend :D

Bunga Favorite
im not a big fan of flowers but i love the colors of lily 
bbuuuutt i dont have my favorite flower :v

The Next Blogger
who'll receive this award is
(since I dont have much friends with blogging so i will tag 5)
