this is not a post about my artwork, videos or even photos. it's about some rant post, about how mean the society is. here in my own hometown country Indonesia. Why Indonesia you may ask, cause i cant find it in another country i guess, maybe this is all just me.
well once was i used to be a new kid in this country, the only thing i knew is speaking in bahasa. that's all, i cant spell ABC in bahasa, even knew numbers in bahasa. yeah you may thought "ohwaw she's such an idiot" well whatever, cause you know what? before i moved here i used to live in Australia where they dont 'FORCE' young age kid to STUDY and DO HOMEWORKS, we did learn how to share our things, and BE FRIENDLY to other kids.
here in Indonesia? it was a culture shock where the bathroom wasnt THAT clean, and how we MUST do homeworks i mean i was 5! all I know is fairytale and playing princess and being a hero. so it effected me a lot, cause you know what? people were being mean to me. they bullied me, yeah i was bullied when i was 5 cause i was different from everyone.
it wasnt a good memories, how they pitched me. not only 1 person but a group of girls did that, and when i cried they laugh about it, as if im just being a cry baby. i wasnt enjoying school at all, not a single bit. then it didnt stop there. during my 1st grade i cant read bahasa so i did take lesson to read while my friends could read perfectly. another "ohwaw she's such an idiot" label again. no i wasnt an idiot that time, it's just i could do what this country wants.
but it kept continuing till my 2nd grade, i was struggling with the school curriculums. NO it wasnt THAT easy when you cant read well and know some alphabets. and how i got frustrated with the english here! i mean they cant even spell the alphabets well and when i try to tell my teacher her mistakes she just being "oh im a teacher and you're a kid so shut it and just deal with it" kinda situation.
then i tried my best to study and it changed during my 3rd grade, i could easily follow the lessons and do well in school. finally good grades, and i ended up being a teacher's pet. every teacher kinda look up for me (FINALLY) yet it gave me a bad influence cause finally i got the power over everyone, so yeah i bullied people. i made them cried, and yeah i was mean that year. it's like im finally got my power after years of being a completely someone who's been treated bad and being that "idiot" girl.
it continues, during my 5th grade i transfered school. i was like "oh a fresh new start" yet i was wrong, i got close with the popular people which made me well known for a new kid. and yeah another bad influenced in life, i did bad things in school. which made me not a person i was, i used to be the shy person then they changed me into this beast who loves to do bad things and bullied weak people. i never knew the pleasure of taking control was taking over me.
and you think my life stops there? noppeee, during my junior high years it gone worst. before i entered the school, i was a friend of a kid of the school owner so yet again well known as a new student. teacher know my name, and yes another years of bullying and doing bad things. yep i turned out as a person i hate right now. i was mean and cruel just like those people who bullied me. i thought doing that would make people finally realize that my position once was is not a good place to be. but i was wrong, bullying never been a good thing.
but it stops during my high school year, but just like i said, the society is a mean thing. it's not just about the bullying but also about rumor. bad ones, good ones. none of them were right, that's why i hate rumor. and dont believe in it unless i seen them by myself.
i didnt get bullied or bullying others yet, there's this guy i dated who's not really a person who'd filled with good things when you heard about him through other's mouth. i mean he's filled with bad rumor, not only about him but also girls that he dated, includes me. i got some bad rumor about me and him. it wasnt true, like why would people do that, that is just mean.
oh maybe some of you may think "ha! she made it up" nope this is my life that i wrote here.
and i thought i was the only one? nope my little brother, he got bullied. and he's the type of kid who would keep things to himself, which brings him to frustration. he'd puke every morning cause he's so nervous to go to school and got bullied, not just that he made up excuses to skip school yet refuses to go to doctor to check it up.
and also my boyfriend's little brother got the same thing, every time i met him at school he'd always be alone.
well people think we're weird, and dont fit in to you society, well you guys were wrong. we sometimes struggling with things that you may not know, or we're just trying to fit in yet you wont let us. you know society ruins people's thoughts and ways or seeing others. some ruins people's personality, some made the "anti-social" cause they prefer not to be mocked or to be laughed at.
when you think of "he/she is weird, what's wrong with them" they're not weird they're just dont know how to be what the society wants, you guys wanted too much from someone. the meaner they'd be the well known they'd be. right? you love those mean people and follow them and be a part of them. and mocked those 'weird' people :)
im not going to say "stop bullying" or anything, well if you're never been in that position well lucky you, you have a great life. all i wanna say is this is reality this is life, we cant just told people to stop all we could do is to cheer them i guess idk ha! im not good at giving advice or anything
that's all i wanna say, i wrote this cause im sick of seeing people got bullied and such. and i wont let this happens to my friend, children in the future on even my grandchildren one day. cause i wont let them feel those bad times like how i did in life :)
i talked to much am i? okay then! bubye have an owlsome week people! GBU :D
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
one day i found these cute bottles in some store, then i got an idea to buy it and made a charm. so i did, yet i ended up making tons of it and if you want a tutorial just comment below and i'll show you how to do it :D
and yeah if you want to buy one or order one just contact me by email or line :D
price? we'll discuss it later kay? :D i would love to sell you one
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the one i gave to my boyfriend and he puts it on his bike :D |
that's all i guess :D
have an owlsome week everyone, GBU :)
cheers, dosky
Sunday, April 14, 2013
14th Months at the 14th
Dear Rokhily Rulia Putra aka kaii or kaiichoo,
today we've finally reached our 14th months together!
it was an amazing year with you, we've been through ups and downs. even we broke up a few times, but you know we made it through all of our hard times :)
just like what you've said last night, we'll be fine as long as we're together :)
14 is my favorite number, and you're my favorite person in the whole universe :D
remember that time on our 1st month i gave you this cookie with 14 number on it?
yeah and also those silly dinner we did, and also those movies we watched together oh how about this thing you wrote for me
yeah i do remember everything you've said, those promises, your sweet words :D
and yeah last night conversation made me scared of losing you even more, and the movie you told me yeah i dont want to ended up like her :')
oh yeah remember our favorite so together? yeah every time i feel lonely and i miss you i listen to our songs, it makes me feel better yet it kills me sometimes knowing you're not there atm :")
but you know? we have skype, and every time spend our saturday together it made me feel a lot better. it somehow made me forget all of those arguments we made and also those problems at home, cause we sometimes did silly stuffs together and we're such a silly couple sometimes. and it made me love you even more.
oh remember that time when we skyped, and our videocall ended up with 13 hours long? we didnt expect that right? and how you took photos of me sleeping then i took yours :3 and we both posted to our instagrams :3 and path! hihi yeah i do remember that
and and and also that place we love to go for lunch at PIM, i mean it's either PastadeWaraku or Mr Curry :P
we never took a lot of photos together cause somehow i got shy doing it with you idk >.< it's hard sometimes. but it kills me inside why cant i do it! like.. why.. haha :)
ya know that night we i almost lost you, im scared to death cause somehow i didnt know what i suppose to do. i mean i know it was my fault and i never stop trying to get you back, and i did :)
oh yeah i wanna thank you everything that you've done, and everything that you gave to me, every moment we spend together, every tears, laugh, everything. i love you more than anything ki :) you're my everything and i just cant describe how lucky im to meet you at the first place, i know it was awkward right? just the two of us in the classroom and you're busy with your iPod and i got nothing to do, but you know what? im lucky i went to that school and meet you :')
you're my most favorite person in the whole universe ki, i love you more than anything in the world, more than everything :)
that's all i guess :3
P.S: ki, if you reading this. please... dont tease me okay :3
today we've finally reached our 14th months together!
it was an amazing year with you, we've been through ups and downs. even we broke up a few times, but you know we made it through all of our hard times :)
just like what you've said last night, we'll be fine as long as we're together :)
remember that time on our 1st month i gave you this cookie with 14 number on it?
yeah and also those silly dinner we did, and also those movies we watched together oh how about this thing you wrote for me
and yeah last night conversation made me scared of losing you even more, and the movie you told me yeah i dont want to ended up like her :')
oh yeah remember our favorite so together? yeah every time i feel lonely and i miss you i listen to our songs, it makes me feel better yet it kills me sometimes knowing you're not there atm :")
oh remember that time when we skyped, and our videocall ended up with 13 hours long? we didnt expect that right? and how you took photos of me sleeping then i took yours :3 and we both posted to our instagrams :3 and path! hihi yeah i do remember that
and and and also that place we love to go for lunch at PIM, i mean it's either PastadeWaraku or Mr Curry :P
we never took a lot of photos together cause somehow i got shy doing it with you idk >.< it's hard sometimes. but it kills me inside why cant i do it! like.. why.. haha :)
ya know that night we i almost lost you, im scared to death cause somehow i didnt know what i suppose to do. i mean i know it was my fault and i never stop trying to get you back, and i did :)
oh yeah i wanna thank you everything that you've done, and everything that you gave to me, every moment we spend together, every tears, laugh, everything. i love you more than anything ki :) you're my everything and i just cant describe how lucky im to meet you at the first place, i know it was awkward right? just the two of us in the classroom and you're busy with your iPod and i got nothing to do, but you know what? im lucky i went to that school and meet you :')
you're my most favorite person in the whole universe ki, i love you more than anything in the world, more than everything :)
that's all i guess :3
P.S: ki, if you reading this. please... dont tease me okay :3
starbucks PIM last year |
someone is drawing on my moleskine! |
during last year excursion :D |
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our dinner that made me almost puke and also our favorite chips :3 |
i dunno i found it blurry |
and one of our silly text :) |
Monday, April 8, 2013
Happy Birthday My Dear Brother
last Saturday, 6th of April 2013. My family celebrate my little brother's birthday at JN Stud, Sentul Bogor. Well actually his real birthday was at the 2nd of April but then we got to celebrate it on the 6th. He got a new horse named Sule. It has this black and white stripes on his head. And also we said hi to all of our horses there :D
well my brother loves horses and such. Once he was crazy in love with lizard and he bought tons of lizards. Now horses got his heart. But he won couple of horse riding competition. He's really good for that young age. He's now studying in 5th grade, and yes he's now 11 years old. Oh boy he grew up so fast! and I love him so much :D oh well oh well :D
so here im going to share you couple of photos i took while companying my brother and his training stuff :D
ya know, i started this blog as a photo blog thingy. but then it turned out as a art blog haha how funny indeed. Well FYI I'll keep on posting photos, videos and drawings of mine tho :D
oh yeah im so sorry but i have to close the drawing request thing, cause i cant draw much lately due to my busy school activity, and also i found some unpleased request. I mean you dont pay me for the the drawing right? so dont expect too much, if you really want my drawing well im freely open for commissions. We'll discuss the price later ;)
well you know somehow some people dont respect my "free art" so i decided to close the free drawing request :) im sorry but i want to give my art to people who respect my art, not some random people who wants my arts just to show off to others without any respect on me as someone who "sacrifice" my time to do free stuffs :)
oh well here's the photos you want to see :D
well all i wanna say is
well my brother loves horses and such. Once he was crazy in love with lizard and he bought tons of lizards. Now horses got his heart. But he won couple of horse riding competition. He's really good for that young age. He's now studying in 5th grade, and yes he's now 11 years old. Oh boy he grew up so fast! and I love him so much :D oh well oh well :D
so here im going to share you couple of photos i took while companying my brother and his training stuff :D
ya know, i started this blog as a photo blog thingy. but then it turned out as a art blog haha how funny indeed. Well FYI I'll keep on posting photos, videos and drawings of mine tho :D
oh yeah im so sorry but i have to close the drawing request thing, cause i cant draw much lately due to my busy school activity, and also i found some unpleased request. I mean you dont pay me for the the drawing right? so dont expect too much, if you really want my drawing well im freely open for commissions. We'll discuss the price later ;)
well you know somehow some people dont respect my "free art" so i decided to close the free drawing request :) im sorry but i want to give my art to people who respect my art, not some random people who wants my arts just to show off to others without any respect on me as someone who "sacrifice" my time to do free stuffs :)
oh well here's the photos you want to see :D
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Sule :D |
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my other brother |
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My brother and his cake |
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My Brother and his new horse |
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Niko :D |
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Sule's hair |
Gadis Aisya
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